
When it comes to investing with our robot, Cryxbo, there’s no maximum limit. The robot operates based on the amount of USDT in your exchange wallet, adjusting its operations accordingly. However, there are minimum recommended amounts due to the smallest exchangeable currency unit on exchanges.

For most currency pairs on Binance, this minimum is 10 USDT. Therefore, we recommend having at least 1000 USDT reserved for every currency pair, especially if you’re trading with just one pair.

If you’re subscribed to our Licence Plan3, where you can trade at least 3 pairs, we suggest reserving at least 600 USDT for each currency pair, totaling 1800 USDT. Having more pairs diversifies your risk, but even with our Plan8 and 8 currency pairs, we advise not to go below 600 USDT for each pair.

And please remember, all trades with the financial market involve risk – only risk the amount of funds that you are safe to lose!

By adhering to these guidelines, you can optimize your trading experience with Cryxbo while managing risk effectively. Start your journey with Cryxbo today and unlock the potential of automated cryptocurrency trading!